Axetec (www axetec co uk) Site review

Title: Guitar Parts UK - Axetec Guitar Pickups, Spares, Parts and Accessories UK
Description: Guitar Parts UK for Guitar Parts, Guitar Spares & Guitar Pickups for upgrades and repairs, Free Shipping & Best Prices!
Tags:uk, parts, electric, guitar, spares, cheapest
Updated 31 Aug 2008


Comments total (1) Add comment
Dred [ 1 ]  2009.09.16
I have used axetec several times and all in all they're difficult to knock. Great, easy to negotiate website, good information, very reasonably pricing and quality , sensible, products, free delivery. Generally a very helpful company. My only reservation, and this is my experience only, is that haveing dealt with perhaps, 3 or 4 guitar parts, websites, axetec are found 'wanting' in their ability to respond to emails. Don't get me wrong here, if you phone them you will get fantastic sound advice and help, but emailing axetec seems to dilute the definition of 'electronic mail'.