Childrendonate2 (www childrendonate2 org) Site review

Title: Childrendonate2 Where kids & Parents come together to help othes in need. children donate 2
Tags:kids, family, children, from, restoration, save, child, markley, time, animals, parent, horses, sea, help, charity, sites, foundations, cats, projects, donation, donations, lopez, tracy
Updated 14 Sep 2008


Comments total (5) Add comment
Wanda [ 5 ]  2011.03.23
Great website!
Terry [ 5 ]  2011.03.4
This is a very cool site! I am a teacher and my kids and use it in class with the online safety and fire/earthquake drill information,
berry [ 5 ]  2010.12.9
GREAT SITE! Helping others, it's great!
Tracy [ 5 ]  2010.07.31
wonderful website. Great idea and a great design. Good team work and I hope all charitie listed get many donations.
lynn [ 5 ]  2009.03.15
Great site. Wonderful Idea!